Testing the "Float Test" for Hair Porosity, Part One

Porosity is tricky to define because of these three things:

1) Porosity is a physical condition that belongs to an individual hair - or a portion of a hair. It is the amount of surface area with porosities - gaps and holes through which water and other things can move.

2) Porosity is a behavior or your individual hairs and your hair as a whole - how quickly does water move through any porosities present.

3) We want to use porosity to determine what to do to our hair - but all the things we do can modify our hair's porosity-behavior or even mask actual porosity. For example, sun-damaged and therefore porous hair may feel different than bleach-damaged and therefore porous hair. Or hair which is easily weighed down or low-density (thin hair) may or may not be able tolerate lots of conditioner and heavy oil applications that we usually think porous hair needs. Different porous hair has different needs.

Why does porosity-behavior matter? Let's say you use a henna or cassia treatment on porous hair and it suddenly seems to be water-repellant. It doesn't seem to get wet and dries very quickly. That is a behavior of very non-porous hair. The same thing can occasionally happen with protein treatments or oil treatments, especially with coconut oil or butters.

Has that hennaed, cassia-ed or oiled hair truly become less porous? Yes and no. The porosities that were there before still are there. But the movement of water through those porosities has been delayed by the henna or cassia residue. The hair's behavior is less porous, but the hair still has porosities - it just takes a lot longer for water to move through them. With coconut oil and hair-penetrating oils, the oil repels the water, causing non-porous behavior in normal porosity to porous hair.

Experimental design
When we want to set up a test, one of the first things we have to consider is this: are there any ways this test can be biased? In other words - does anything in our hair's environment change the results of this test?

To do this, I'm taking hairs from one person. These hairs are low porosity on the top 1/3, normal porosity for most of the length and more porous towards the ends. No hair color, no henna, no cassia.

We have 4 "treatment groups."
- Hair which has nothing added (washed and dried with no conditioner or styling product)
- Hair which has coconut oil applied
- Hair which has leave-in conditioner applied
- Hair which has a little oil and flaxseed styling gel.

The water temperature is lukewarm - not warm enough to liquefy oils and not cold. I used a glass dish of water with a large surface area for this - which is actually also important to the results of the test because the hairs did not contact the sides which might override the surface tension of the water. More on that in another post.

I treated the hairs and placed them lightly on the water surface. Every single one floated immediately.
Click to enlarge! Black arrows point to hairs floating on the surface. These are all lighter colored hairs and even with the contrasting color background, the camera had a difficult time "seeing" the hairs on the water. 

I left the hairs for 2 minutes. Still floating. And still floating a minute later. I'm impatient, so I dunked them quickly.

After dunking: The hair with conditioner began to sink. About 1/3 of the hair's length ultimately sank. The rest remained on the surface of the water. Until I gave up after about 10 minutes.
Click to enlarge! Black arrows point to the place where the hair with conditioner on it is submerged (to the right of the arrows) vs. floating on the surface (to the left of the arrows).

Simple conclusion for Part One: Lots of leave-in conditioner or conditioner-enriched styling products can encourage hair to sink that would normally float.

Now we are already asking ourselves - is this a good test if we have to control conditions carefully or we get a biased result?  In science, that is okay. For example: You can't get accurate results from reactions you do in dirty test tubes. Those things that go into your experiment usually need to be controlled in one way or another. But if you just wanted an accurate result from your hair and you have leave-in conditioner or conditioning hair products in it - it's more likely to sink. Though it may not!

Conditioner is a 'wetting agent" so we could have predicted this result. If you need to get your hair wet in a hurry - put conditioner on it first. It will get wet more quickly. Did the conditioner act as a wetting agent here? Probably. It added weight - but not that much weight and the oiled hair also had additional weight and it did not sink.

Did the oil repel water and keep the hair floating? Apparently not. Because the hair which was washed and the hair with a little oil and hair gel also floated right along with the oiled hair.

Should I have left the hairs for 30 minutes? Overnight? I don't think that's going to improve the test. Anybody's hair will get waterlogged after that long in water.

Next time: Hairs of different widths, curl patterns and porosities. I'll be using darker-colored hairs and daylight - the pictures will be much better.

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Laundry Static-Control Tip

Upcoming post news:  I've been a busy blogger - but not busy blogging.  Currently I'm working on a post in which I'll examine (and photograph) the at-home test for hair porosity called the "strand float test." Look for that in the coming week.

Here's a handy laundry tip for cutting static in laundry coming out of the dryer without using fabric softener. Fabric softener tends to make towels less absorbent and coats laundry. It also tends to be heavily fragranced (unless you buy fragrance-free). In winter I like to dry laundry on a rack indoors like in this post. But some things won't fit, like sheets.

So that's where I use aluminum foil. Pull off a large-ish piece of aluminum foil - a little larger than a letter-size sheet of paper. Crumple it up - try to crumple the edges on the inside to make the ball last longer and avoid sharp edges. Make 2 or 3 of these and toss them in the dryer with your laundry. You won't get shocked when you handle the laundry, it won't crackle and pop. And you won't walk around with a sock or a dryer sheet wriggling out of your pant-leg over the course of the day.

These will last for weeks. In some municipalities, you can recycle aluminum foil when you're done. But others will not accept foil for recycling, so be sure to check before you try to recycle it.

It works like this - in your laundry, the clothes build up electric charges from the hot, dry air and tumbling around, colliding with each other. Aluminum foil is a metal and it will conduct electricity - so the charges in the laundry flow through the foil, essentially neutralizing the charge on the laundry.

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Huh? Air Drying is Bad for Hair?

Don't panic, air-drying is not going on your list of things you need to feel guilty about. Won't you join me in getting all "critical thinking-y" about this subject?

This post is in response to a blog reader's question about a recent study which reported that air-dried hair acquires some internal damage during drying whereas blow-dried hair accumulates more external damage. The study was published in the Annals of Dermatology, November, 2011: Hair Shaft Damage from Heat and Drying Time of Hair Dryer, Lee et. al. 

If you thought air-drying was best for hair - this catches you off guard, to be sure. But while I did a double-take when I saw that eye-grabbing factoid in what I think of as "hair social media" - after reading the article I think this information was taken out of proper context. In other words, it makes a great headline, but there is not enough information provided to support the idea that air drying is bad. Please, read on.

Some things to consider before digging in:
A) I don't think the authors made a solid case against air-drying, nor did they set out to do that. They are simply reporting an unexpected result, not condemning air-drying of hair. Human hair is made to air-dry. Maybe not to be washed frequently - but air-drying is part of our natural history. 
B) Blow-drying does a fair amount of surface damage; cracking the cuticles of the hair thanks to the rapid change in temperature and moisture. Cracked cuticles are rough and stick up. When cuticles stick up, they break off easily. The result of too much blow drying is dull, dry, rough, porous hair. 
C) Air-drying causes a lot less surface damage so your hair is not so rough or dull. That's why it is better for hair's feel and appearance, long-term.
D) The internal damage recorded in this study of the air-dried hair is of unknown consequence. Human hair has been air-dried for generations upon generations. Are we going to condemn it based on one study that found an interesting result but drew no conclusions based on that result
E) Researchers were not able to control how the hair was dried before it was used as a sample. This is an uncontrolled variable. We don't how the history of this hair sample/these hair samples may have influenced the outcome. Picky, picky! 
F) What is unclear to me is - did they use just one hair sample? How many heads of hair were represented here? The same hair sample for all 5 treatments? It looks like each treatment was a 2 gram sample of hair. This is not enough information for me. I would call a test based on one sample a "case study," not an experimental result.

The actual test was to repeat these treatments once per day, 30 times total in hair which is probably straight or wavy hair (from De Meo Brothers, Inc.), so there might be slight kinking but probably not much. The hair was washed in a shampoo containing 10% sodium lauryl sulfate (the absolute concentration of detergent as a raw ingredient is not stated, but this is actually on the low side for a shampoo), then excess water was "shaken" off and the hair was dried using the following treatments: 

1) Hair with no treatment - no washing or drying (control)
2) Air-dry hair at room temperature of 20°C (68°F)
3) Hair dryer, "low" temperature for 60 seconds, 47°C (116° F) at 15 cm (6 inches) away from hair
4) Hair dryer " medium-high" temperature for 30 seconds, 61°C  (142°F) at 10 cm (4 inches) away from hair
5) Hair dryer "high" temperature for 15 seconds, 90°C (203°F) at 5 cm (2 inches) away from hair.

Note: No conditioner, no oils, no heat protectant, no styling products. This is only meant to test the "naked" hairs.

So what did they find?
-With increasing heat, there is more surface/cuticle damage, despite shorter exposure to heat as they turned the heat up.
-With air drying (which took 2 hours) there was bulging in the portion of the hair beneath the cuticles as a result of the time the hair spent wet. This is the piece of information that has been seized upon by women's magazines and hair social media. I remind you - this may have occurred in a single hair sample. This does not necessarily mean everybody's hair acts like this. We simply do not know. The authors did not provide adequate information about their hair samples and the editors apparently missed that omission.

Why did they get this result in air-dried hair?
When normal porosity and porous hair is wetted, it absorbs water. As it absorbs water, it swells - but it is the inner portion which includes the cell membrane complex which does the swelling. Shampoos increase swelling unless they contain very mild detergents or very dilute detergents. The cuticle layer cannot swell or increase in girth. So we have a problem - a swelling interior and a non-swelling exterior!  That's stress - kind of like frozen water inside a pipe. More about that in this blog post

Is this a problem for hair? We don't know for certain. Too much swelling in hair probably makes hair a little weaker in structure. If you spend a day in the rain with your hair wet, it becomes more troublesome - tangly, behaving differently. If you spend a lot of time swimming - even in fresh water - your hair will weaken. That swelling of hair pushes cuticles up so they are easily broken off and water has access to the cuticle layer and beneath and can leach away anything water-soluble and probably even some oils. These actions increase porosity.

What would be a convincing result? I think a similar test would need to be done on hair from multiple donors, including a variety of hair widths (fine/medium, coarse, very coarse), including curly and kinking and coily (type 4) hair. A more convincing sample size (to me) would be about 3-5 of each of these. A result you can replicate in a variety of specimens is a result you can really get behind! If most hairs showed the same effect from air drying but not from blow-drying, then we can make some real conclusions. But we still wouldn't know the actual implications of the so-called damage. Maybe that's not structural damage at all. Maybe it's normal. It's not as though hair is meant to last forever.

What's good about air drying?
Air drying causes less cuticle damage (porosity) and cosmetic damage than heat-drying, that's a good thing. It makes some people's hair frizz less and that's a good thing too. Air drying doesn't use electricity - so it keeps your carbon footprint smaller and that's a good thing. You can do lots of activities while your hair air-dries - you're not tied to a hair dryer and that's a good thing. Some hair that isn't naturally straight (most of us) looks better when air-dried.

How to Air Dry Without feeling Like We're Slowly Destroying Our Hair? (I enjoy a little hyperbole). One of these may fit your lifestyle and hair styling requirements.

1) Use hair-penetrating oil treatments for 6-12 hours, especially on the length of your hair. Use coconut oil or sunflower oil, or olive or castor oil. These will help normal porosity and porous hair behave as though it is less-porous. It will swell less in water and you can avoid this problem. This really works. You don't have to soak your hair with oil either. See this post for details. You may even find you have a faster drying time with these treatments over time. 
2) Squeeze water out of your hair (styled or not) before air-drying. It will dry more quickly. Use an old t-shirt, a pillowcase or a cotton dish towel (tea towel/flour sack towel) to avoid creating frizz.
3) Limit your time under the water. I.e. wash your hair last. The less time your hair spends under water, the less saturated it will be. Yes, sometimes we need to get our hair all wet and juicy to be hydrated. But too wet for too long = waterlogged.
4) Wash or wet your hair less often. Works for some hair and lifestyles, not others.
5) Go as light on the styling products as possible. Lots of leave-in conditioner and lots of hair gel causes longer drying times.
6) All styling products make your hair take forever to dry? Try a styling foam or mousse - something that doesn't increase drying time, move around while your hair dries, step out in the breeze.
7) If your haircut is all-one-length, thick hair that takes forever to dry, getting some well-placed layers will shorten your drying time.

Best of both worlds?
You can slice your drying time in third or half by using a hair drier with a diffuser (to disperse the heat) either at the beginning of the drying time or at the end - whichever gives you a better result - for a short while. Maybe 3 minutes, maybe 8 minutes. Just to get the air moving and evaporate some water from your hair.

How long is too long to spend with wet hair? Nobody knows for sure. If your hair dries in 1 to 3 hours, you're probably okay. If your hair takes all day to dry, it may be getting stressed from all that time spent in a wet state. For example, if I am caught in the rain and my hair is wet all day, it becomes more tangly than usual and feels mushy or spongy when I wet it again - a sign that it needs a protein treatment for strength. And it will also need an oil treatment before it starts to feel it's normal self. To me, this is an indication that my hair was weakened by having been wet for 6 to 8 hours. I don't experience that result from my short showers and usual 1.5 to 2 hour drying time.
Your experience may be different from mine - watch your hair's behavior under different conditions and let that be your guide. If you use deep conditioning treatments in which your hair is wet all night, or you let your hair be wet overnight - that's probably too long to have wet hair and you may be weakening it.

Bottom line: Air drying is better for the surface of your hair (porosity) than heat-drying with a blow dryer. There isn't any clear evidence that air drying is bad for your hair at all. But spending too long with your hair in a wet state is stressful, including very long dry-times.

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Thought For the Day

Hair Logic.

You see short hairs floating above your scalps, sprinkled throughout the length and think - oh no, is this breakage? Have I damaged my hair?

Probably not. Apply some simple hair logic. It's reckoned that we lose 50-100 hairs each day when we and our scalps are healthy. This varies - a few months after the end of summer we usually lose more hairs than in spring.

All things bring equal, it makes sense that 50-100 new hairs have begun to grow each day. And of course they're shorter than the rest of your hair.

Welcome those new little hairs. They're not broken or damaged, just exploring their new world.

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Moisturizing Low Porosity Hair

Updated May, 2015
Low porosity hair is not necessarily difficult hair or problem hair. It is hair that is easily kept in a healthy condition, strong and elastic. It doesn't need a lot of help to keep its integrity, it needs gentle handling and a little personalized care. So why do people describe having a hard time moisturizing low porosity hair, then? What are we missing? Why isn't conditioner the quick path to moisturized hair? Why does oil and conditioner seem to sit on top of your low porosity hair, but soak in for everybody else? NOTE: Healthy, low porosity hair may or may not have the cosmetic attributes you find desirable - that's different. That's perception and expectation. You may find your low-porosity hair frustrating because you want it to feel or behave differently whereas somebody else might prefer to have hair like yours.

If your lower porosity hair feels dry, wiry, tangly or brittle it not necessarily lacking oil or conditioner - it's lacking hydration and flexibility. Hydrating lower porosity hair takes a different mindset - and a special bag of tricks. If your hair is medium to coarse, it may also need help with softness and flexibility, something you get from conditioners and some oils. Look for conditioners thickened with cetyl alcohol to lend softness to your hair.

Don't confuse silky or slippery hair with low porosity hair. That's not necessarily low porosity although it's more likely to be low porosity. Low porosity hair is usually more porous on the ends. Maybe a little more, maybe a lot. Most people's hair is not the same at the roots as it is at the ends. Sometimes it isn't, but usually it is. Don't neglect your ends! Lower porosity hair often needs "porous hair care" on the ends, but a lot less of everything emollient-y than your all-porous-haired counterparts who can use handfuls of conditioner and oil with reckless abandon. If your hair takes a long time to get wet - it's not necessarily low porosity. If your hair is very thick or very curly, it takes longer to get wet.

The cognitive process begins with the word "moisturize."

Moisturize: A catch-all term. Moisture is water. Not conditioner, not oil. You don't drink oil when you're thirsty.

Hydrate: Provide and maintain adequate water. Ah, now this is what your lower porosity hair needs! Hair contains water. Well-hydrated hair is more elastic, more flexible, and less frizzy or fluffy than dehydrated hair. Hydration is all about water in and around your hair. Here's a post with more information about how much water your hair holds within the fiber.

Low porosity hair is what we all have coming out of our scalps. But for some people, it tends to stay low porosity as it grows and only rough handling combined with exposure to bleach (peroxide) or swimming pools or salt water and lots of sun over years can make it porous. For some, hair becomes porous by the time it reaches your chin or shoulders. But whether or not it behaves as though it is porous is a different story.

Low porosity hair and/or silky hair tends to run in families. And so does hair behavior that may help keep your hair from becoming porous - good hair care, an outdoorsy lifestyle, you get the picture. Any texture hair can tend to be lower porosity and any hair width, fine (narrow), medium or coarse (wide) can be low porosity.

Low porosity hair has cuticle scales that lie tightly against the surface of the hair. Low porosity hair is hydrophobic - it repels water from it's surface. It does not readily allow water in (when immersed in water), nor does it readily lose the water that is contained within the hair - it does not dehydrate quickly from its internal material. That doesn't mean it won't get frizzy or limp in humidity or feel dry and tangly. It also doesn't mean it feels soft and flexible - hydrophobic simply means that lower-porosity hair does not exchange water with the environment quickly. Low porosity hair can dry out in sun and wind and with lots of swimming or high-heat styling or bleaching (highlights). Low porosity hair may be more resistant to hair dye and other chemicals as well, but only if you handle it gently and don't expose it to multiple insults; for example permanent hair color + high heat styling. Or lots of summer sun + swimming in chlorinated pools or salt water. Wear that swim cap.

Lower porosity hair does not have many chipped and broken cuticles sticking up, ready to be broken off with abrasion, thus it tends to remain lower porosity.  That also means there are fewer binding sites for cationic conditioning ingredients, which is one reason it is difficult to use standard hair conditioners and get a good result.
Red "+" signs indicate (roughly) potential binding sites
for cationic hair conditioners in this low porosity, coily hair.

Red "+" signs indicate potential binding sites for conditioner
in this porous, coily hair. There are many more resulting
from chipped and broken cuticles.
Some people recommend using chemicals (baking soda solution, soap bars) to make hair low porosity hair more porous so it can take up more conditioner. This is something you need to do with caution - try the treatment on at least a 1-inch section of hair and assess the results before using it on all your hair. From hair that I have tested and blog readers comments, baking soda mixed with yogurt is less aggressive a treatment than baking soda and water and baking soda mixed with conditioner also seems to be less aggressive than baking soda and water. Baking soda mixed into shampoo seems to be more aggressive than baking soda and conditioner.

The potential problem with using baking soda and soap bars and acid to try to moisturize hair:
You'll read online that alkaline solutions make cuticles open and acidic solutions make cuticles lie flat or "close up" too. That is semi-accurate - alkaline solutions force hair to swell. As it swells, the cuticles pop up and there is an exchange of solutes inside the hair and alkaline solution that you applied. Everybody's hair is just a little different - not just the fiber itself, but what we've done to it, where we live (water chemistry, sunlight's UV and heat, temperature) and what we've put on it. Is it really possible that everybody's hair will display the exact same behavior in acidic and alkaline solutions? Of course not. Some hair reacts violently to baking soda and some hair reacts (swells) very little. Some hair is in between. If your hair is low-porosity, it's probably not extremely reactive - though if your hair is long or the ends tend to be truly dry, they may be more porous than the rest and more reactive. Please, please, please do a test strand first! 

If you like the result of a baking soda mixture on your test strand - but it seems too strong, cut the baking soda quantity in half or fourth and try again. Please note - baking soda takes a long time to dissolve in room-temperature liquids. If your mixture is gritty, the exposure of your hair to baking soda will be too patchy - more concentrated in some areas than others. Baking soda will dissolve faster in a heated liquid with plenty of stirring. See more at the end about how baking soda changes your hair.

In my experience with hair analyses, it is unpredictable whose hair will swell and thus become more porous in acids and bases (alkaline solutions). Some people's hair is very sensitive to vinegar solution, but not citric acid or vice versa. Some people's hair does not swell in baking soda solution, but does in the lather of a strongly alkaline soap bar. If your lower porosity hair is acid and alkaline-sensitive and you use an alkaline soap bar followed by a vinegar rinse because the soap is supposed to "open" the cuticles and the vinegar is supposed to "close" them, you have just permanently damaged your hair without meaning to. Maybe a little, maybe a lot. Only time will tell. Your hair is unique. Only your hair "knows" whether it will respond badly to being subjected to acidic and alkaline solutions. Do what works for you and observe how your hair responds. If you use a treatment that works well for somebody else and get a undesirable result, don't think there's something wrong with your hair - there's something wrong with how that treatment interacted with your hair.

Lower porosity hair needs different terminology 
When we say want to moisturize our lower porosity hair - we're really trying to say something more complicated - but also very simple.

We want it to feel soft. We want it to be flexible. We want it to not tangle excessively. We want our coils, curls and waves to be as well-defined as they can be (or as you like). We want our straight hair to be smooth and reflective, not flyaway. Whereas our porous-haired counterparts can get those benefits with creamy deep conditioners or oils, we just get a limp or greasy or tacky-feeling and unsatisfactory result.

What do we want?!
Lasting hydration
Lubrication (slip) and detangling
Weight but not "heavy" and please, oh please no greasyness and no coated-feeling build-up!!! 
Definition (discernible wave and curl pattern, tolerable frizz and flyaway index)

Dose - it's all about dose and application
It's easy to say, "I can't use oils or that conditioner or x, y and z." But sometimes our problem isn't the ingredient, it's the dose. Low porosity hair still needs oils and conditioners, we need them in smaller doses. Or we need those things diluted with water. Or we need to use them before washing our hair instead of after. If you're using a thick, rich conditioner for it's lubrication but it feels too heavy or greasy, look for a lighter-weight conditioner that is more fluid but still has good lubrication.

Low Porosity Hair Hydration How-to (one or more of these may work for you)

1) Work at the surface of the hair with these tips: You can do a lot of hair-hydrating to soften, add flexibility and lubrication with products that never need do anything but stay on and around your hair shafts, helping prevent water loss and providing superficial effects.
  • Leaving in conditioner: For low porosity hair, leave-in conditioners are used to add lubrication, weight and flexibility and provide softness. We are not expecting a leave-in to "soak in" with low porosity hair. We're using it for a superficial effect, as a styling product. If you find that leave-in conditioners seem to sit atop your hair, try this trick:
  • The trick for low porosity hair: Use leave-in conditioners on dripping wet hair, or apply them and then quickly move your head under and then back out of the shower spray (or pour some water over your hair) for good coverage and dilution. Conditioner for leaving in can be used alone or mixed into a gel like homemade flaxseed gel to combine effects, improve distribution and get it all done in one step. You may not need much leave-in or left-in conditioner and diluting & distributing it with the shower spray or mixed into a styling product can be a necessary step because you're using it for a superficial effect. Your leave-in helps style your hair, plain and simple. You can also mix a little conditioner with distilled water in a spray bottle to apply a leave-in. Not everybody needs a leave-in conditioner. If your hair needs help with flexibility and softness and lubrication, or if your hair is coarse, you're more likely to need some.
  • Film-forming humectants: Here is a link to a post about these ingredients. Film-forming humectants really are the bee's knees for low porosity hair. Flaxseed gel (linseed) or okra gel (homemade), aloe vera gel, pectin, hydroxyethylcellulose, marshmallow root, slippery elm, panthenol, xanthan gum, Hydroxypropyltrimonium honey, glycine betaine (beet extract, sugar cane extract), seaweed extract or Irish moss extract; all these ingredients form clear, flexible films over your hair that trap water near your hair to keep it hydrated or moisturized - but without being heavy, creamy or oily. Protein also falls into this category, more on that below. These ingredients can keep hair hydrated extremely well and also have great styling benefits. Hydrated hair is flexible, well-defined and softer. Look in the "Product List by Ingredient Category" page to see how these ingredients translate into hair products. The list is near the end of the page. Get your film-forming humectants in rinse-out and leave-on products. The Best Leave On Products For Low Porosity Hair contain a balance of film forming humectants, light conditioning ingredients and oils.
  • Protein: Hydrolyzed protein for lower porosity hair acts as a hydrating (or moisturizing) agent. Protein slows water loss from hair. Larger proteins form hair-hugging, water-grabbing films over hairs that trap moisture near your hair. Smaller proteins can do this and also settle in around the cuticles and keep the water in your hair longer. This is different than oils which just trap water. Proteins grab water from your wet hair and hold on to it so when your hair dries, it stays better hydrated. Moisturized! Fine and medium hair are more tolerant of both large and small protein than coarse hair. Coarse hair that can tolerate protein may do better with smaller proteins like hydrolyzed silk, keratin, collagen or the even smaller and moisturizing amino acids (from any source).
  • Fine and medium hair can usually tolerate more frequent protein than very coarse hair. Because protein adds some extra support to hair, it can make coarser hair feel rough and dry and abrasive if used too often. This is a link to a post with more about protein.
  • Oil choices and oils in products vs. choosing well-balanced products: Oils for leaving on low porosity hair? Sure! But your hair is probably picky about which oils you use. It will probably vary depending on whether your hairs are narrower or wider and whether your hair is thick (dense) or not.
    • Product base matters with oils and low porosity hair! A product with a film-forming humectant base - a flax seed (gel) base, an aloe vera gel base, Irish moss (aka seaweed extract) base that also includes some oils (but not in the first 3 or 4 ingredients) might be okay, see the next bullet point below... 
    • Emulsifiers are critical for using oils in low-porosity hair. Conditioning ingredients like Cetrimonium chloride and emulsifiers like Polysorbate (20, 60 or 80) or Ceteareth-20, or conditioning emulsifiers like Behentrimonium methosulfate and cetyl alcohol are all emulsifiers. They allow oils to be mixed with water and not separate out. Like the difference between oil-and-vinegar salad dressing and creamy salad dressing. Oils may behave very differently in your hair when they are properly emulsified in a conditioner. 
    • If you have a film-forming humectant base with conditioning ingredients and a little oil - you have a well-balanced product like this can be wonderful for keeping low porosity hair hydrated, lubricated and soft.***
  • Conditioner chemistry: Try a conditioner that does not contain cationic conditioning ingredients, or contains cationic conditioning ingredients that are shorter in carbon chain and less likely to build up or feel slimy. Examples are:
  • Aubrey Organics (no cationics in Aubrey Conditioners - other Aubrey formulas are fine, but sometimes herbal extracts feel like build-up)
    • Honeysuckle Rose Conditioner
    • GPB Balancing Protein Conditioner
    • Chamomile Luxurious Conditioner 
  • Curl Keeper Slip 
  • Elucence Moisture Balancing Conditioner 
  • Earth Science Citress Conditioner
  • Giovanni Direct Leave-in (can use as a rinse-out also)
  • Giovanni Nutrafix Conditioner
  • Giovanni Magnetic Restructuring Conditioner
  • Kiehl's Hair Conditioner and Grooming Aid
  • Ovation VOlumizing Creme Rinse
  • Suave Daily Clarifying Conditioner
  • Trader Joe's Refresh Conditioner
  • Trader Joe's Tea Tree Tingle Conditioner
  • As I Am Naturally Leave-In Conditioner

2) Work at and beneath the surface of your hair with these tips:

  • Oil Pre-Shampoo / Pre-cleansing treatments: <-- Click this link for a post about how to make oil pre-shampoo treatments work with your hair. With low porosity hair - getting a benefit from oil sometimes means knowing some tricks for using it. Using a hair-penetrating oil on your hair like coconut oil or sunflower oil or olive oil or my oil blend for several hours before you wash your hair can add softness, lubrication and weight to your hair. Because you wash after this treatment, you won't have greasy feeling hair, but the softness and definition remains. Oils do not create build-up like conditioners can (with the exception of cocoa butter and plain shea butter or other solid-at-room-temperature plant butters). These are ideal treatments for lower porosity hair because even though your hair doesn't soak up loads of oil, it can benefit from it. And because low porosity hair can be build-up prone, oils can be a good option for deep conditioning. When your hair feels tangly, use oils that have good lubrication for your pre-wash such as sunflower, jojoba, olive or grapeseed.
    • Trick for using oils on low porosity hair: Use a light touch for an oil pre-wash treatment. Enough oil to add some shine, or maybe a little more to add some weight and make your hair feel a little "dirty." Use this only on the ends if your hair becomes greasy easily. Leave on for 2-6 hours. Low porosity hair that is not coarse (wide hairs) tends to do better with shorter treatments but slightly coarse and moderately to very coarse hair can take longer treatments. Use a good shampoo to cleanse; if you're using a very mild shampoo, you might want to do a second wash with shampoo diluted with water if you used more oil than you needed. If you're a co-washer, be sure to work the conditioner thoroughly into your hair to remove excess oil.
  • Heat: 1) Heat (used with hair treatments) may increase your hair's porosity slightly but not in the more aggressive way of acids and alkaline solutions. See this post for more details. Heat gives your hair a greater surface for binding conditioners. 2) Heat liquefies ingredients, the act of wrapping your hair to apply heat improves product distribution, and more conditioner will adhere to your hair with heat. Use heat with deep conditioning treatments if your hair is feeling extra dry or tangling more than usual. Using heat can double the amount of conditioner that binds to your hair.
  • Steam: Steam combines the beneficial effects of heat (listed above) with an abundance of moisture in the form of water vapor. In the presence of steam and a conditioner, your hair will be plumping up with water and with it will go some of the good things from the conditioner you have put in your hair. Heat increases conditioner binding to your hair, hydrates it to the maximum for even more softening and conditioning. Use a hood or bonnet type steamer or a handheld steamer made for use on hair. Steamers made for upholstery or clothing will produce a lot of steam that is much too hot to be safe for your scalp.
    • Steam for deep conditioning treatments or steam in your leave-in conditioner or some oil to lock in the steamy goodness instead of rinsing it out.
  • Deep conditioning: Lower porosity hair does not pick up as much conditioning as hair that is more porous. If your hair needs an intense burst of softness, detangling or hydration, use a deep conditioner, or your usual conditioner with a little oil and whatever else you like added. 
  • - Add heat or steam to the treatment, barely warmer than body temperature is all that is necessary.
  • - Leave it on 5 minutes for hair that is easily over-conditioned or gets too soft, 10-30 minutes for the most intense effect.
  • See this post for more details about how to work with heat and timing for deep conditioning.
  • Alkaline solutions: But promise to do a test strand first and pay close attention to how your hair responds. Baking soda mixed with conditioner or water at whatever concentration works for you. These can temporarily (and permanently) alter your hair's porosity and may change surface texture. But there's more to baking soda than porosity...
    • The probable explanation for the positive result some people get with baking soda mixtures is related to surface chemistry as well as porosity. The alkaline baking soda solution likely disrupts or breaks down the "F layer" containing 18-MEA (the lipid-rich epicuticle - see the beginning of this post). Once this has happened, the hair is no longer as hydrophobic (water-repelling). Hair becomes more hydrophilic (water-attracting). It becomes wet more easily. There is a disrupted lipid barrier (the epicuticle is degraded or removed) that was slowing the movement of water in and out. As a result, the hair will bond with more of whichever cationic conditioner you apply. At least the first time you use conditioner after the alkaline treatment. This still isn't porosity, it's surface chemistry. You lose the natural lipid layer and replace it with commercial conditioner. Conditioners have different textural and aesthetic qualities from the oils that were on your hair before. 
    • Alkaline baking soda solutions and soap bar lather cause hair to swell. Anything you want to get into your hair shaft needs to be in this solution or applied immediately after. Once you rinse, your hair begins to return to its non-swollen state.
    • Some people report a similar effect with bleached or highlighted hair - that it holds a curl better as a result of the treatment - and for very similar reasons. Sometimes alkaline solutions give hair a slippery feeling - alkaline solutions tend to feel slippery in general - they're dissolving the oils on your hair and skin, sort of turning them into soap. It's a similar chemical process. After repeated use, alkaline solutions may leave your hair more porous overall because there is exchange of solutes in the hair for alkaline solution while the alkaline solution is on your hair. Proceed with caution when using acids and alkaline ingredients on your hair and scalp. If you notice a problem, please consider taking a break from these ingredients, or try one of the next tips to buffer the effects of baking soda...
    • Mix your baking soda with yogurt (unflavored, unsweetened) to take advantage of yogurt's hydrating qualities, some of the smaller proteins and amino acids and lactic acid (and other acids) and unique lipids from the milk. Yogurt bring the pH down to closer to 7, but still causes some swelling of the hair. Rinse really well to avoid stinky yogurt-hair later on!
    • Mix your baking soda with conditioner to buffer the hair a little - this does protect the hair a little. 
    • Use shampoo bars or superfatted bar soap instead of liquid castile soap - the oils help protect your hair by adding lubrication. 
    • If you use liquid castile soap, dilute it with water and add a little oil for lubrication.
Flexibility is something that is inherent in your hair, in its curl pattern, and in its hydration level. Some people's hair is less flexible because it's internal structure is somewhat more rigid. Examples are very coarse (wide) hair, curly, coily or highly-textured hair, or some gray (white) hairs. It's not the amount of curl that matters as much as the tendency of that hair to conform to whatever shape you try to apply - or to go along with its neighboring hairs. The type and arrangement of proteins in your hair has a lot to do with its flexibility and curl pattern. Some of us have area of different curl patterns that are more "naturally inflexible" or else we have those hairs scattered over our heads. These hairs tend to be or at least to behave as low porosity too. 
  • To help your lower-porosity hair be more flexible, keep the water levels optimal. That means using film-forming humectants, preventing water loss with balanced products which contain film-formers (i.e. plant-based gels), a little oil and/or some conditioning ingredients.
  • Meanwhile, give your hair some daily help (or whenever it feels less-flexible) with a hydration spray such as a mixture of distilled water and conditioner and anything else your hair appreciates that might improve hydration like aloe vera juice or a protein additive like Neutral Protein Filer. Use this spray lightly to bring moisture and flexibility to your hair and get the water levels back up. Unless the air around you indoors and outdoors is humid all day (tropical or nearly so), your hair will tend to lose moisture to the air.
  • For added flexibility, when hair looks dull or begins to spread out and lose definition, feels inflexible or sounds crunchy, use a little oil (spread a couple drops on your palms and fingers and rub until they shine) on the ends and work your way up. Oil can be used alone for flexibility and definition, or it can go under or over a hydrating spray. 
  • Conditioner pomade. Rub a little conditioner between your palms and fingers until it's a bit dry and pasty feeling. Use that on any frizzy or inflexible areas - smooth it over sections as though making a ponytail(s), or as though you are pinching and sliding a ribbon between your fingers for smaller sections. The ingredients in conditioners have a very light "hold" and tack unlike oils. This can be done on damp or dry hair.

Other hydration boosters: 
Aloe vera rinse: Combine 1 part aloe vera juice (the drinkable kind) with 1 part water. Add a small squirt of glycerin if you like. Apply with a cup or squeeze bottle, work through and leave on for a minute or two. Rinse. The reason to dilute with water is to keep the pH around 5 because aloe vera juices can be quite acidic which is harsh hair and may irritate your scalp and eyes.

Honey: Mix warmed honey (do not let it boil, it will become hard when cool) into conditioner or with warm water or warm herbal tea. Apply to hair as usual for conditioner, leave a honey rinse on for a few minutes. You can use this with heat too.

Banana: You must be careful with bananas! Banana has amazing hydrating and shine-enhancing power. No green bananas. No solid-yellow bananas. I am not kidding. It's really hard to wash out banana chunks and for some reason, when you put banana in your hair which has not been pureed to complete and total mush or is not ripe enough - it forms chunks. In your hair.
But when it is good - it is so good! Honey and banana combination can soften hair a lot. Blend up 1/4 to 1/2 very ripe banana (lots of brown spots on the skin) and apply it to your hair - with some warmed honey if you like. Leave on with heat for 3-5 minutes.
A better idea is to use baby food banana puree if you have never used banana before. 

Yogurt: Stick with non-fat plain (unflavored, unsweetened) yogurt if your hair is easily weighed down. The lactic acid in yogurt hydrates hair and there are some proteins that are small enough to be "active" in your hair. Use this before a thorough cleansing to avoid any lingering yogurt in your hair or else rinse really, really well.

Avoid dehydration:
Your low porosity hair is what everybody else is trying to mimic with deep conditioners and hair repair agents. Don't dry it out! Wear a hat or scarf in the sun and in cold, dry air. If you get a lot of sun exposure, use some protein if your hair tolerates it. Sun will make hair more porous, though not necessarily more rough. People with thin hair (not dense) or with haircuts that leave hair not dense (lots of layers) people with white hair and blonde hair will have more UV damage than dark brown to black hair.
Avoid high-heat styling tools.
Protect your hair while swimming, and when out in the wind.
Use lower peroxide hair color or plant dyes to color hair - or get your hair as healthy as possible to let your natural color be it's most intense.
Wear a silk or silky, smooth scarf, bonnet or "buff" at night to reduce friction and create a little humid environment around your hair - the humidity comes from your skin.

Every day give your hair some hydration. If you aren't wetting your hair daily, mix up a spray bottle with distilled water, a small amount of conditioner, and other goodies like aloe vera juice or a hydrolyzed protein additive or boil the distilled water with marshmallow root or horsetail or nettles. Mist your hair with this to provide water, lubrication and ingredients with lasting hydration to keep your hair supple all day.
Or use a steamer (if you have one) to provide moisture during dry or windy weather.
Oils can soften and lubricate hair in between washes if it gets that rough or stiff or lighter colored look on the ends.

Follow my blog with Bloglovin Reduction-Induces Surface Modification of Human Hair. Kamath and Ruetsch. Journal of Cosmetics Science, 2010. 61, 1-12

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Film Forming Humectants - What They Are and Why You Need Them

What is a film-forming humectant? It's a term for a group of ingredients that are moisturizers par excellence! Especially for hair that is easily weighed down by conditioners, or hair that oils or conditioners seem to sit on top of instead of "soak in." There is a list near the end of this page of products emphasizing film-forming humectants. ©Science-y Hair Blog 2014

Rather than just attract water when water is abundant like glycerin or sorbitol do, film-forming humectants form a film over your hair that helps your hair resist dehydration. ©Science-y Hair Blog 2014
Humectant ingredients in products (once the hair is dry) can release the water they initially attracted when the air when the air around your hair is dry. Some humectants release water fairly readily like glycerin or sorbitol. When humectants form a film, water is slowed down by needing to pass through the film, therefore water loss from your hair to the air around it is slowed. 

With film-forming humectants, water is lost slowly from the hair through the humectant film over the course of the day or between washes because these are large, complex molecules which dry to form a clear, flexible film over your hair. Because they are very complex molecules they have more nooks and crannies for water to be packed into whereas a simple humectant molecule (like glycerin or propylene glycol) has fewer. Chemically, that's an oversimplification - but you get the idea. They not only trap water in themselves and in/around your hair - but the water has to pass through the film to escape from your hair.
Glycerin - a simple humectant molecule.
D-Galacturonic acid, one of the
several complex molecules in flax-
seed gels.

Analogy: If a simple humectant like glycerin dries quickly like an old, thin dish towel, then a film-forming humectant dries slowly like a very thick, plush bath towel.

Film forming humectants are often what your hair is needing when it seems dry even though you use oil or lots of conditioner or leave-in conditioner because they actively grab water and they keep their grip on it. If you want to keep your hair hydrated - a film-forming humectant in your leave-on or refreshing or moisturizing product is a necessity in a well-formulated product or product combination.

Where do film-forming humectants come from?
1) Plant gels©Science-y Hair Blog 2014
Many film-forming humectants are plant gels extracted from plant tissues. Plants excel at being able to store and move water. These all have a gel-like or juicy quality, tend to be slippery and to dry clear and smooth. Some work better in combination with others than alone.
  • flax seed gel (linseed)
  • okra gel (made from okra seed pods)
  • aloe vera
  • hydroxyethylcellulose
  • pectin
  • xanthan gum
  • guar gum
  • marsh mallow root
  • slippery elm
  • carrageenan (irish moss or seaweed extract)
  • nettle leaf tea or nettle extract
  • panthenol

2) Hydrolyzed proteins

Proteins from plant and animal sources also act like humectants, with smaller to medium proteins tending to get under the cuticles somewhat to moisturize/hydrate from the inside (or at least around the outside of the inside) and medium to large proteins forming clear films over the hair. All sizes of protein help slow water loss from the hair over the day.©Science-y Hair Blog 2014

What are film-forming humectants good in? Conditioners, leave-in conditioners, hair styling products, shampoos. Hydrolyzed proteins will stay with your hair even if they were used in a rinse-out conditioner. With most non-protein film-formers, you need to leave them in your hair to have them work the best at sealing in that water.©Science-y Hair Blog 2014

Can you use film-forming humectants with oil sealants? Absolutely! They compliment each other. 
Oils as sealants on wet hair give you a waterproof barrier to water escaping from your hair. That's one sort of protection from dehydration - waterproofing. But oils are oily whereas film-forming humectants are more juicy and give you a water-soluble but strongly water-attracting layer. If you use both, you increase the likelihood that your hair will stay hydrated longer.

Something like a leave-in conditioner with a film-forming humectant could go over or under a layer of oil for sealing. A styling product with film-forming humectants can go over a layer of oil to seal. If you hair needs all the help it can get to stay hydrated and flexible, try all 3. Or mix everything together if applying more than one product seems like to much bother.©Science-y Hair Blog 2014

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Coconut Oil Makes My Hair Stiff! (Or rough)

Coconut oil is great for hair - some people simply cannot have a good hair day without it. It makes hair less porous so it doesn't get all dehydrated during washing, it makes hair soft, blah, blah, blah. I know, coconut oil is great, I wrote about it here and here.

There are those of us who use coconut oil, and find our hair gets crunchy or stiff or rigid or rough and we just don't see what the fuss was all about.

Or worse yet, we think there is something wrong with our hair - or maybe we did it wrong. Maybe our coconut oil is the wrong kind. 

Yet another Miracle Product that works for "everybody else" doesn't work for you. Well, that makes a person feel pretty mopey.

Cheer up! There's nothing wrong with your hair. It's the coconut oil.

Coconut oil's "miracle ingredient" is medium-chain triglycerides, a variety of fat or oil. Human sebum (skin oils) only contains around 35% triglycerides in general, and far less (maybe 10-15%) are shorter to medium-chain triglycerides.

Coconut oil is a large dose of a certain sort of fat (oil, lipid - pick your terminology) that is normally present in smaller amounts on your skin and (ideally) on your hair. So it makes sense that not everybody's hair appreciates being overloaded with medium-chain triglycerides when it was expecting other sorts of fats to be in the mix.

Coconut oil is so good at penetrating the hair because the medium-chain triglycerides are both small enough to seep between cuticles and they have polarity (a charge) that attracts them to the protein in your hair. Coconut oil is actively drawn to the inner portion of your hair whereas other oils need to seep through slowly.

What to Do:
Okay, you don't want to use coconut oil, but you still want an oil that penetrates your hair to prevent swelling and dehydration when you wash. You want an oil that softens deeply. You have options. Other oils penetrate the hair but either are less good at doing that, or may not have been studied in a lab, but still give a  good result:

Sunflower oil
Palm kernel oil
Olive oil
Avocado oil
Castor oil (possibly)

You can use one of these oils or a mixture of any of them.
You can use my oil blend recipe which is designed to be similar to the oils from your skin. Use it in moderation.
You can blend a little coconut oil into another oil to dilute it. Or add melted coconut oil to a conditioner. Sometimes you don't need to eliminate coconut oil completely, just don't use it "full-strength."

Don't care whether it soaks into your hair or not?
Then use any oil you like.

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Creating a Hair Care Routine and Troubleshooting Your Routine

If you start researching how to best care for your hair, it may start to seem like confusing chore. So many treatments and possibilities and when to do them and how to do them and why…

There are people who like complexity in their everyday projects and there are those of us who find our complexity elsewhere. I like simple for hair. 

Starting from the very basics, what do you need?
1) To clean your hair
2) To lubricate your hair
3) To provide softness
4) Protect/provide hydration (moisturize) - hydration does everything from reduce breakage to define curls to add shine and weight. Hydration is good for all hair from straight to coily and from thin to thick. Hydration keeps your hair from being flyaway and unkempt-looking. We get hydration from using conditioners to prevent water loss, from hydrolyzed proteins in products (fine, medium and less often for coarse hair), from humectants (list on this page) and from oil pre-wash treatments in normal porosity to porous hair to prevent stress and dehydration during wetting and cleansing.
5) A haircut that creates a nice outline.

That absolutely covers it in the "hair care" department. Styling can further help accomplish these tasks. 

Clean the Hair
Shampoo? Cleansing conditioner? Conditioner only? Rinse with water? Choose a product that achieves what you want and need. Sometimes we need only light washing and can use water or conditioner. Sometimes you need shampoo to remove dust, dirt or excess oil or hair products.

Wash as often as you need, and as infrequently as you can. Your lifestyle has a lot to say about when you wash. If somebody with hair exactly like yours only washes it once per week but you live on a dusty road - you probably need to wash more often or your hair will start to feel stiff and gritty from the road dust.

Choose what works for you, not what somebody says should work for you and not what works for somebody else whose hair you admire. They don't have your hair and they don't live your life.

If you love your shampoo but fear it's too harsh, dilute it for a milder shampoo. Dilution works for hot sauce, it works for shampoo. Here is a post about how much to dilute your shampoo. It's fun to put a shampoo-distilled water mix in a foaming-pump bottle. And so much easier to apply!

Set a frequency for washing your hair ("x" times per week, "x" times per month, every "x" days) and stick to it. Every once in a while, see if you can go longer or if spacing your washing more closely is useful. Don't be afraid to change it up, just pay close attention to how your hair responds.

Hair that floats around in the air and acts weightless and shapeless after washing has been over-washed. The shampoo was too strong or too concentrated, or you shampooed sooner than your hair needed.

If your scalp demands more frequent washing than your hair, protect your hair by applying conditioner before washing, or doing an oil pre-wash treatment.

Conditioning the hair: Here is a post about deep conditioning. Conditioning the hair with rinse-out conditioner helps detangle while wet and most conditioners also help hair avoid tangles while dry (compared to un-conditioned hair).

Most of us need more conditioner on the ends of our hair and on the top-most layer. The ends are the oldest and most likely to rub on things and tangle. The top layer is exposed to the elements more than the under-layers.
How much conditioner you need depends on your hair, on the weather, on the season, on your activities. Some people need a lot, some need very little.

Use enough to the tangles are easy to deal with. Use enough conditioner so every section of your hair is covered.

Every once in a while, try using more or less - either in response to how your hair feels or just as an experiment.

Troubleshooting Your Routine
 Is your hair acting up, acting differently, just not cooperating, feeling dry or rough or inflexible? Set up a hierarchy of possibilities to discover the right solution. 
This little chart is an example - start at the top. Click the chart to enlarge!

At one stage is asks if you need a deep conditioning treatment or an oil pre-wash. The answer is probably "yes" if your hair is more tangly than usual, feeling rough or stiff or dry. These can also be signs of build-up, though - so you need to create your own hierarchy based on your hair's "personality." If build-up is a common problem for you, then rule that out first. If dryness is a more common problem than build-up, rule that out first. If your hair "likes" protein and you already avoid build-up provoking ingredients, then that might be one of the first things you try.

Learn to Respond to Your Hair
How often should you use a protein treatment or protein-containing products, or deep conditioning or oil pre-wash treatments?
  1. Observe! What are the benefits you get from these treatments? How long do those benefits last?
  2. Repeat the treatment when the benefits from the last one diminish.
  3. Observe again! Do you see the same benefits? Was it too much? Less benefit? If you're getting the same great result, you timed it just right. If you get a bad result, you may have repeated the treatment too soon. The same for no result.
  4. How about a half-treatment? Need the benefit of your favorite treatment, but not a big dose? Use a lower protein, protein product or leave a deep conditioner on for less time, do a lighter-than-usual application of pre-wash oil treatments.
  5. Observe the weather indoors and outdoors. More sun, hot weather, dry air,  wind, sitting under a heating or cooling vent may cause your hair to require more-frequent assistance from these treatments. Coloring your hair or highlighting it will change its needs for conditioning and protein. Using henna may increase your hair's need for lubrication.

Advanced Response to Your Hair
When you develop your own routine and learn to troubleshoot for your own hair, there are 2 steps to advanced responding to your hair - think of it as "hair enlightenment." 

1) Set aside what you've learned, read, or been told about hair care and only do what your hair shows you it needs. Don't ignore good ideas or be afraid to change what your'e doing when you need to. Just let your hair be your guide. If you've jumped on one hair-care bandwagon or another (no shampoo, no shampoo or conditioner, whatever), allow yourself the flexibility to walk away from that and do what works for you. Your hair will reward you when you give it what it needs and respond to it based on your own observation.

2) Don't avoid using some treatment or technique on your hair because your perception has always been that it won't work in your hair - or in "hair like yours." This attitude will prevent you from discovering some really helpful things. Keep an open mind and always experiment, make observations, and experiment some more.

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Time-Saving Tips For Making Homemade Flaxseed Gel

Time-Saving Tips For Making Homemade Flaxseed (Linseed) Gel

Sometimes making homemade hair gel can feel like an inconvenient chore when you have a dozen other things competing for your attention. But few products are as effective in so many types of hair and good for hair at the same time as homemade hair gels. Need I even mention that homemade flaxseed gel is wonderfully inexpensive? So I'll share some of my tips to help prevent your flaxseed gel making plans from falling through. Need a recipe? Here's my basic recipe.

Preparing Ahead of Time: Get your tools and ingredients ready for when you have time to do the actual "cooking" so you don't have to do the preparation and cooking at the same time. You can do these a day or two in advance.
  • Clean and sterilize bottles, funnels, utensils and put them someplace clean, protected (keep out dust and insects) and out of the way
  • Assemble all your ingredients in one place.

Cooking and clean-up tips:
  • Stir during heating so seeds don't stick to the pan.
  • Simmer until thin threads (not thick or gloppy strings) hang from your stirring fork/spoon (to avoid unstrainable gel).
  • Invest in a large mesh strainer so you can strain all or most of your gel at once.
  • Put the pan you boiled the seeds and water in, into water immediately! Swish the water around and get the gel off the sides and bottom of the pan quickly. If it cools or dries on the pan it takes much longer to clean.
  • Put all stirring utensils into water quickly too (when you're done using them) and rub the gel from their surfaces.
  • Strain the gel into a glass measuring cup with a wide mouth (i.e. Pyrex) so you know the yield of gel and can adjust any add-ins accordingly.

Batch size tips: Why make just one batch when you can make less work for yourself by simply making more?
  • Make a large batch of gel and freeze half. Plain flax gel freezes very well. Many ingredients are okay to freeze. If you're not sure about an ingredient, try freezing just a little as a test and see how it looks and feels when completely thawed.
  • To be especially careful (and avoid any thawing disasters), freeze plain, strained gel with no additional ingredients and add those when it has thawed. You've still saved a lot of steps!

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Gelatin Protein Treatment Recipe Update

I created my gelatin protein treatment recipe in the summer of 2010 and I've been using it ever since to reduce the frizz in my wavy hair, pull the curls together, add shine and reduce breakage.

But every good recipe can stand some improving. The problem with the old recipe is distribution. It's runny. It can drip or end up all in one place.

When I was writing my posts on deep conditioning, I emphasized the importance of distributing deep conditioners including protein treatments by applying the product to hair in sections and smoothing the treatment over the section, saturating and encasing the hair in the treatment as though you are making paper maché. But I couldn't do that with the gelatin treatment being as liquid as it is.

People who leave the gelatin protein treatment on their hair for a long time face problems with drips.

So here we have it: 
New, Improved, the Thick Gelatin Protein Treatment

Same formula, but you need to make ahead and allow it to cool, so you might as well make extra and freeze it for your next 2 or 3 protein treatments.

  • Unflavored gelatin(e)
  • Water - distilled is ideal
  • Optional: citric acid, ascorbic acid or vinegar to adjust pH
  • Xanthan gum (if you hate xanthan gum, use guar gum but I think xanthan gum gives a better texture and smells less offensive)

This makes about 1 treatment.
-1/4 to 1/2 cup water (60-120 ml)
-1 packet Knox unflavored gelatin powder (0.25 oz, 7.2 grams, 2 1/2 teaspoons) or crumbled gelatine flakes or sheets 
--->Use half the gelatin for a milder treatment
-1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon xanthan gum (1/4 tsp with 1/4 cup water, 1/2 tsp. with 1/2 cup water)
-5 drops vinegar (1/16th teaspoon) or a tiny pinch of citric acid or ascorbic acid (enough to fill this typed letter "O").
Note: More acid is NOT better.  Better to leave out the acids than use too much! Too much acid will interfere with the protein's ability to bond with your hair (yes, it does a little of that).

Want to make more? 
Double the recipe, triple or quadruple it and refrigerate or freeze the leftovers. Bonus points: freeze the leftovers in an ice cube tray (silicone ice cube trays work wonderfully).
  1. Mix half the water, the gelatine and xanthan gum well. This will thicken. 
  2. Add remaining water, a small amount at a time and mix. There will be small clumps of xanthan gum remaining.
  3. Heat the gelatin/water/xanthan gum mixture in the microwave until it boils (in short bursts) or in a double boiler on the stove. Stir frequently.
  4. Remove from heat. The mixture will have liquefied somewhat during heating. If it's not thick enough, mix in a little more xanthan gum and re-heat if it does not dissolve completely, then remove from heat and proceed to step 5 or 6.
  5. If you are adding honey, add it now while the mixture is hot.
  6. Allow mixture to cool before adding any additional ingredients. It will thicken as it cools.

The end result is a medium-thick gel that you can smooth over your hair for excellent coverage. It rinses out well. I find that I use much less because there are no drips.

Refrigerate or freeze the leftovers. The mixture will become a rubbery solid when chilled. Put it in the microwave for about 10-15 seconds to melt it into a gel again.

Leave it on how long?
  • 3-5 minutes with heat for a moderately strong protein treatment. 
  • 10-30 minutes (up to 60 minutes) with or without heat for a strong protein treatment.
  • Blow-dry for extra strong protein treatment. Apply the gelatin gel and blow dry your hair on medium to high heat until dry (don't bend it - it will be crunchy and solid). Then rinse and don't touch until your hair is less hard. If your hair is snapping off due to things like swimming or chemical-treatment damage, this method may be perfect for you!

When you're done treating your hair: Rinse, rinse, rinse! Then apply conditioner and go about your usual routine. Some people need an intense or deep conditioner following a protein treatment, even if you did add oils and conditioner to your treatment. If your hair feels rough or stiff or tangly and you rinsed very thoroughly, then you probably need to follow up a protein treatment with a deep conditioner. Or the protein was too strong... or you left it on too long.

  • 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon honey
  • yogurt (unsweetened, lowfat or full fat)
  • Full-fat mayonnaise
  • 2 to 3 teaspoons of conditioner (or more)
  • Neutral Protein Filler (protein additive from Sally's Beauty Supply)
  • coconut milk
  • use herbal tea instead of plain water
  • 2 drops to 2 tablespoons of oil - olive, coconut, avocado, grapeseed, apricot kernel, sweet almond...
  • 1 tablespoon aloe vera juice or gel (not with banana)
  • 1/4 pureed banana (in a blender). Banana baby food works well. If the banana isn't ripe enough or blended well enough, you will have banana chunks in your hair - hence the baby food. Do NOT use vinegar, citric acid or ascorbic acid with banana.
  • 1/16 or 1/8 teaspoon magnesium sulfate 

Some common gelatin protein treatment questions and answers can be found here.

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Silicone Ingredient Solubility List

Silicone Solubility List
Updated November 26, 2015
I compiled these lists based on information from ingredient manufacturers. If you want to know more about what it means to be a water-soluble silicone vs. water-insoluble silicone, more information follows the lists. "Water soluble" does NOT mean an ingredient will rinse off with water, so I'm trying to indicate when an ingredient is not water-rinsable.
©Science-y Hair Blog 2014
Water-soluble silicones (The raw ingredients dissolve in water and rinse off with plain water. Shampoo may or may not be necessary to remove products containing these ingredients).

Dimethicone copolyol
DEA PG-Propyl PEG/PPG-18/21 Dimethicone
Dimethicone PEG-8 Phosphate
Dimethicone-PG Diethylmonium Chloride
Hydrolyzed Silk PG-Propyl Methylsilanediol Crosspolymer
Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein Hydroxypropyl Polysiloxane
Hydrolyzed Wheat protein/hydroxypropyl polysiloxane and cystine/silicone co-polymers
Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein PG-Propyl Silanetriol
PEG-40/PPG-8 Methylaminopropyl/Hydropropyl Dimethicone Copolymer
PEG/PPG-20/15 Dimethicone
PEG-12 Dimethicone
PEG/PPG-20/15 Dimethicone
PEG-7 Amodimethicone
PEG-8 Disteramonium Chloride PG-Dimethicone
PEG-33 (and) PEG-8 Dimethicone (and) PEG-14
Silicone Quaternium-8

Note: If the silicone ingredient has a "PEG" or "PPG" or both in front of the silicone, it is probably water-soluble. Watch out for commas. PEG-8 Dimethicone is a water-soluble silicone. PEG-8, Dimethicone indicates either 1) a typo or 2) 2 individual ingredients, separated by a comma.

Water soluble, not necessarily water-rinsable
Silicone Quaternium-17 - This ingredient is a conditioner - a silicone that has been modified to bind to hair like conditioners do. The ingredient itself is water-soluble, but it may not rinse off with water. This ingredient is meant to bind to hair (specifically to damaged areas), it may build up or accumulate to weigh down especially build-up prone hair or lightweight hair types or it may contribute to over-softening. But in shampoos, it can offer much-needed lubrication. 
Lauryl Methicone Copolyol

©Science-y Hair Blog 2014
Water-insoluble silicones – if they are “water dispersible” I’m calling them “insoluble” because our interest is in rinsing them out, not formulating with them. Any combination of these is still insoluble. If they are in a shampoo, they can still deposit on your hair.
"Sulfate" shampoos and most "sulfate-free" shampoos will remove water-insoluble silicone ingredients.

Amodimethicone - special case, a polymer-type silicone that bonds to damaged areas and is not supposed to accumulate on top of itself.
Behenoxy Dimethicone Cetearyl methicone
Bis-Amino PEG/PPG-41/3 Aminoethyl PG-Propyl Dimethicone - special case, a polymer-type silicone that bonds to damaged areas and is not supposed to accumulate on top of itself. Only experience will tell how it works in your hair.
Bis-Aminopropyl Dimethicone  - special case, a polymer-type silicone that bonds to damaged areas and is not supposed to accumulate on top of itself. Only experience will tell how it works in your hair.
Bis-Cetearyl Amodimethicone
Bis-Phenylpropyl Dimethicone
Bis-Hydroxy/Methoxy Amodimethicone
Cetyl Dimethicone
Cetyl PEG/PPG-15/15 Butyl Ether Dimethicone
Cyclopentasiloxane and C30-45 Alkyl Cetearyl Dimethicone Crosspolymer Cyclohexasiloxane
Dimethicone/Vinyldimethicone Crosspolymer
Divynildimethicone/Dimethicone Copolymer
Dimethicone Propyl PG-Betaine - Another special case. This is an amphoteric silicone-surfactant combination ingredient. It actively bonds to the hair for conditioning and to prevent dye fading and is water-dispersible. Most likely needs a silicone-free shampoo if the hair becomes too soft or too heavy with this ingredient.
Di-Isostearoyl Trimethylolpropane Siloxy Silicate
Diphenyl Dimethicone
PCA Dimethicone
Phenyl Trimethicone
Polysilicone-18 Cetyl Phosphate
Silicone Quaternium-16 - special case, a polymer-type silicone that bonds to damaged areas and is not supposed to accumulate on top of itself.
Silicone Quaternium-18 - special case, a polymer-type silicone that bonds to damaged areas and is not supposed to accumulate on top of itself.
Silicone Quaternium-22 -  special case, a polymer-type silicone that bonds to damaged areas and is not supposed to accumulate on top of itself.
Silicone Resin Spheres
Simethicone Stearoxy (or Stearyl) Dimethicone
Trimethyl Silylamodimethicone  - special case, a polymer-type silicone that bonds to damaged areas and is not supposed to accumulate on top of itself.
©Science-y Hair Blog 2014
Silicones which evaporate: They are not water soluble, but they're a special case. These ingredients are added to help other ingredients spread evenly and then evaporate - any remaining residue will be removed with shampoo.
©Science-y Hair Blog 2014

Why do cosmetics manufacturers use silicones?  Silicones are emollients and add shine and excellent slip/lubrication (comb-ability, reduced friction and breakage). Their weight and ability to help seal moisture both in the hair shaft and out prevent frizzing in high humidity. Unlike oils, they are not likely to go rancid (oxidize) which means longer shelf life. Silicones are not bad for hair in and of themselves. Silicone ingredients can weigh some hair down. Their lubricating ability can render some wavy and curly hair flat or limp. If you use shampoo, conditioner and leave-in products containing silicone - that can become difficult to remove. Using heavy-handed applications of silicone anti-frizz serum can make your hair a little more water-repellant and slick than nature intended. 

Whereas it takes a lot of other ingredients that provide slip like cationic conditioners (maybe 4-10%) to get the job done, one needs only 1-2% silicones to provide the same benefits. Besides that, water-insoluble silicones have been demonstrated to be washed out by ammonium lauryl sulfate, sodium lauryl sulfate and/or cocamidopropyl betaine shampoos (removing approximately 90% silicone residue). Cationic conditioners by definition accumulate on (bond to) hair and resist rinsing or shampooing hair and this can cause a dull look or matted feeling residue if they are overused. I’m not making that up, it’s actually something that cosmetics formulators try to manage in at least some of their formulations so their products don’t weigh your hair down or leave it feeling coated and matted.

How do water-soluble silicones come into being? Water is polar – it has a positive and negative side to the molecule. Oils (like silicones) are nonpolar. In your first week of high school chemistry you probably learned that “like dissolves like.” Polar water dissolves polar “other things” and non-polar oils dissolve other non-polar things. You know this from observing oil-based salad dressing too. But if we use some cosmetic chemistry voodoo and attach (via esterfication) a polar substance like polyethylene glycol or a protein to a nonpolar silicone – voila, a useful cosmetic ingredient that now has the ability to be carried away by water more easily because one part of it truly is now water-soluble.

What does the “PEG” and the number mean? It’s important! Let’s say you have PEG-12 Dimethicone. That means that 12 molecules of polyethylene glycol were reacted with 1 molecule of dimethicone. The higher the number, the more soluble the oil (and silicone is essentially an oil). That’s because there are more of the water-soluble ingredients -the “PEG,” relative to the water insoluble dimethicone. For example, PEG-8 Dimethicone is slightly less water-soluble than PEG-12 dimethicone, which is slightly less water-soluble than PEG/PPG 15/20 dimethicone.

Are the "water-soluble" silicones really water-soluble? Yes, to a point. But do they rinse off your hair when embedded in a hair product? Try it and see. These silicones don't exist alone - they are accompanied by other ingredients in hair products. Some ingredients in a product are going to stick to your hair no matter what. It may not be the water-soluble silicone that is to blame, but all the ingredients in a formula together. If your hair accumulates build up from everything under the sun, you might notice some limpness if you don't use some sort of cleanser after using a water-soluble silicone-containing product. Here is a handy trick to find out what rinses off easily. Smear some of the product on a smooth, clear glass. Let it dry completely. Then try to rinse it off with water or water and a little gentle rubbing with your finger. Does it rinse off completely and leave no greasy smear? Hair can bond with products more so than can glass, so this is not 100% reliable - just a quick-and-dirty test.

 ©Science-y Hair Blog 2014

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